Matt Bone
Digital Designer
Everything here is my own.
Product Designer (Web/Mobile)
Feedback Loop
Senior Designer (UI/UX)
Investor Cash Management
Senior Designer (Web)
Website Manager
Foster Mechanical
Website Manager
Edith James Beauty
My Design Process
Step 1 of 8: Define
It's necessary to determine exactly what needs to be created, and why. Why does this product need to exist? Who am I creating this for? What business problems will this solve?
Step 2 of 8: Research
I conduct research to gain a deep understanding of the users and their needs. This research helps me create empathy for the users and understand what they need from the product or service.
Step 3 of 8: Analysis & Planning
In the planning phase, I take all of the information gathered in the research stage and start to plan out how I'll meet those needs. I develop user personas, user stories, wireframes, and other high-level plans during this phase.
Step 4 of 8: Design
Once I have a good understanding of my users and a plan to move forward, it's time to start sketching out some ideas for how they’ll interact with my interface. This is where I'll start to think about things like the overall layout, navigation, and specific elements on each page.
Step 5 of 8: Prototyping
Once I have a working UI, it's time to turn it into a working prototype. Prototyping allows me to present a more realistic experience for my usability testing, which can then deliver more accurate feedback and insight into "what's working" and "what's not working".
Step 6 of 8: Testing
Before launch, it's important to test the interface with real users. Usability testing helps identify any areas that need improvement before the final product goes live, and delivers this feedback from the user's point of view.
Step 7 of 8: Launch
Once the testing is complete and all of the necessary changes have been made to the high fidelity user interface, the product is ready to be handed over to the development team for implementation.
Step 8 of 8: Iteration
The goal is to continuously improve the user experience by making small changes and refinements over time. By constantly iterating on my design, I can ensure that my product remains usable and relevant to my target audience for years to come.